Me, yesterday: writes the first draft of this post while going through old sketchbooks full of people and things I used to know, has a crisis and has to step away.
Me, today: Finishes having a crisis and erases everything I wrote so far—Hi! Okay! I am good now! Let’s try this again. I am going through old sketchbooks, which are now completely free of things and stuff that make me. . . have. . . feelings—um, well, here are some of the more interesting pieces I found that I really enjoyed.
That Time I Made a Book About Horse Facts When I was 10
That’s right, I was a horsegirl.

The book was about 30 pages, give or take. They were filled with little drawings of horses from an encyclopedia, and each drawing was accompanied by a fact about horses being different colors and shapes and stuff.
Before you say, “WOW Dianne, you were 10 when you drew these??”—they were traced. Still cute, though.
Times I Tried Really Hard to Publish Books with an 8th Grade Education
I was so hoping Scholastic would see my potential here.
A subsection of this is Times I Tried So Hard to Make a Brand

Anyway, here’s more cover art I made for my various stories

Wow, I Actually Drew A Lot of Fanart
Drawing fanart has always made me uncomfortable, but I managed it when I was 15.

However, I Will Not deny. . . Nnoitra was my favorite Espada.
Okay, These Ones Tickled Me

Other People’s Art
She was like a cryptid: appeared in my life, was an absolute menace, and then just blended into the shadows (I’m still friends with her on Instagram though).
These are so cute! I love seeing others' early works. I think my mother still has some of my drawings and writing from my grade school days, but I'd never be brave enough to post them publicly. So, bravo to you! 👏
"Some horses look different like this one" nearly made me do a spit-take at my desk.